====== Google Ad s ====== Google Ads ia a pay-per-click service. Ads bought through here will appear on sites that belong to the google network of websites. [[https://www.lynda.com/Google-AdWords-tutorials/Before-getting-started/693109/747506-4.html?srchtrk=index%3a1%0alinktypeid%3a2%0aq%3aadwords%0apage%3a1%0as%3arelevance%0asa%3atrue%0aproducttypeid%3a2|Lynda course]] When googling you will see these components: * Ads - paid advertisement on top of the page clearly marked (paid) * Sponsors - product listings for example (paid)) * Local businesses - relevant stores close by you determined by your search and location * Ads - in the bottom of the page (paid) ===== Where ads appear ===== **Search network** * google searches * partner websites searches * typical text ads with a link * grabs a potential customer that has searched for the thing * gains advantage in tha google listing (you appear in top or bottom) * Targeted to keywords **Display network** * Rich media and or text * Banners * Is shown in relevant places, hoping it will interest a potential customer * Reach a broad audience ===== Types of ads ===== * **Text ads - ** Most common. * **Ads with extensions - ** * **Responsive ads - ** * **Shopping - ** * **Image - ** * **Video - ** * **Call only - ** ==== Text ad s ==== Are the best performing pay-per-click ads to buy. Contains: * Headline * URL * Descriptive text ===== Campaigns ===== A campaign is the master project designed to reach one goal and can contain several ad groups.\\ ===== Tools ===== keywordtool.io - check keywords and their auto complete phrases\\ google keyword planner - check keywords